Friday, 12 July 2013

The Photography Institute Course - Module 2 First Creative Submission

Module 2 was all practical, the main focus points were ISO, Aperture, shutter speeds and depth of field, and how all of these relate to one another, each assignment challenged us to play with these settings and observe the changes, nothing completely new, but it was nice to actually test higher ISOs on my camera, something I haven't done extensively just yet, I will leave the details for a more technically themed post. Anyway on the fun stuff:

With module 2, came the first chance to submit some artistic work, yay :)

The brief was very open, we had to choose an object, any object, and firstly visualise an artistic way to photograph the subject. Think about the composition, lighting, type of shot etc before even picking up the camera. I'd never approached a photograph like this before, I actually struggled with the selection, and I ended up picking three different subjects in the end. so I ended up with the following selection, from which I must select one:

all the photos were taken using Nikon D600 and AF-S Nikkor 50mm 1.4 lens and Nikon SB - 700 Flash where stated.

ISO 250 50mm f3.5 1/60 flash unit side lit

ISO 250 50mm f3.5 1/60 flash unit side lit

ISO 250 50mm f1.4 1/20

ISO 100 50mm f1.4 1/60

ISO 100 50mm f1.4 1/80 -0.3 EV

ISO 100 50mm f1.4 1/125 -0.3 EV

ISO 100 50mm f1.8 1/20 -0.7 EV

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